10 reasons to turn down freelance work (and what happens if you don’t)
Freelancing can feel like a goldmine. People want what you’re offering, and they are willing to pay! It’s a great feeling. But at the same time, that doesn’t mean you should accept every freelance project that comes your way.
9 freelance contract clauses that keep you protected and paid on time
There’s nothing worse than relying on emails, phone calls, and hope when it comes to delivering work and getting paid as a freelancer. Enter contracts.
How to turn down freelance work politely (With email templates)
Whether you’re too busy, the project sucks (it happens), or the client isn’t a good fit, taking on additional freelance work isn’t always the best idea. However, turning down work the wrong way could end up harming your reputation and future earning potential.
A dull, simple, easy system for freelancers to stay focused every day
Staying focused isn’t about running complex programs or simply ‘hustling’ through it. Instead, freelancers should build a system that is so boring it forces you to be productive without even trying. I mean it. Boring works, if you let it.
Staying motivated when you're burnt out but still need to get sh*t done
Freelancers: Burnout is real. Lack of motivation is real. But you can't always take a break... you need to deliver for your clients. So what can you do? I use two strategies - one business and one personal - to help you stay motivated.
The 3 identities every freelancer must manage
Every freelancer has to balance 3 identities. Don’t fight the strengths and weaknesses of each. Instead, find out how they work together for you.
How to respond to angry freelance clients regardless of the reason they are mad [template]
Look, clients are going to be mad sometimes. It’s not necessarily your fault either and that’s what really sucks. But you still need to figure it out.
What to do when a freelance deal dies on contract (real-life example)
Normally, I like to share frameworks or thought models. In this article, I want to run through a raw, tangible example of rejection.
The biggest freelance client red flags 🚩
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years as a freelancer, it’s that red flags happen. It’s not about avoiding them–you can’t. Instead, it’s about noticing them and seeing what you can do about them.
Why your booked sales calls don’t turn into closed freelance deals
Are you getting lots of sales interest but not enough sales? I have a hunch why that might be…
The worst things about freelancing
Freelancing sucks sometimes. I say that not to scare you, but to prepare you.
Do you need a niche to start freelancing?
Should you niche down to specialize your skills and become a noted expert? Or should you broaden your abilities to widen your net (and capture more clients)? As per usual, I have opinions
How to use the “anti-pitch” to close more freelance deals
Saying what you do is not going to help you close more deals—not in the way you think it will, anyway.
Why recessions are great for freelancers
Recessions are good for freelancers. Great, even. It sucks to say–that a time of strife for others is great for you. But it’s true, and it’s time to take advantage of it.
The three kinds of rest every freelancer needs
Don’t get me wrong, sometimes doing absolutely nothing is precisely what you need. It’s just not all that you need.