Stefan Palios | Writer + Strategist

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Staying motivated when you're burnt out but still need to get sh*t done

Freelancers: Burnout is real. Lack of motivation is real. But you can't always take a break... you need to deliver for your clients. 

So what can you do? I use two strategies - one business and one personal - to help you stay motivated. 

Hustling all three freelancer identities at all times is great… but it can lead right to burnout. And yet regardless, we have to deliver for our clients. 

Here are my thoughts on how to push through when you really need to. 

PS – this is NOT in lieu of breaks and this is NOT about never resting. This is for those short-term bursts when you gotta get shit done. Don’t make it a habit. It won’t end well.

Adjust your work

One of the main reasons why people feel burnt out is that they're trying to do too much at once. To avoid this, it's essential to break your work down into essential elements. For instance, if you're a writer, you can break down your work into research, interviews, structural outlines, and in-depth outlines. This way, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment as you cross more things off your to-do list more quickly. Don't overwhelm yourself with too much work. Instead, do what you can and break it down into smaller, manageable tasks.

Address the personal

Being honest with yourself is one of the essential things you can do when you're feeling burnt out. Ask yourself if you're giving 100% of what you have to give each day. It's okay if you can't give 100% all the time. On some days, you may be able to give more, while on other days, you may not have as much energy or focus. This is where it's essential to listen to your body and give yourself a break when you need it. Rest for the rest of the time so that you can recharge and come back stronger.

Deliver for yourself and your clients

As a freelancer, you have clients to serve. However, it's also important to remember that you have to deliver for yourself too. 

But if you destroy yourself in the process of serving your clients, what's the point? 

Take care of yourself and your needs, and you'll be able to deliver better results for your clients in the long run.